Ask Lafeber


July 23, 2023

Eggs not hatching

My pair of love birds laid eggs almost more than 3weeks ago but still not a single egg from the cluth have hatched. But still the mother bird is sitting on them should I throw the eggs



Do not throw out the eggs until 30 days after the last egg was laid. Eggs do not always hatch on schedule. They take 18-24 days in general, but they can take longer. If she is still on them, then that could mean the eggs are still going to hatch. She will most likely abandon the eggs after 30 days if they do not hatch. It’s a common mistake for the owner to get impatient and end up throwing away eggs and killing the developing chick because it needed a few more days to be ready to hatch. If they do not hatch, you still need to remove the nest box and let them rest for 6 months before letting them try again.

Thank you for asking Lafeber,


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