Lafeber Diet Conversion Program

Diet Conversion Program provides veterinarians with FREE Diet Conversion Kit food samples and diet conversion marketing materials that can be given to bird owners seeking assistance transitioning their bird from a seed to pellet diet. We will send diet conversion kits at no cost to you in exchange for two 60 second videos per year that we can use to share on social media. Please note that we do not require you to be in the video. A video on your phone that showcases your avian patient eating the food or success story for our diet conversion kit with a background narration is accepted.

Please fill out the form below with your clinic’s information and we will be in touch soon with details to get started. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us anytime at

Please note, the program ships diet conversion kits & marketing materials free of cost to clinics/hospitals in mainland US only. If you are a clinic/hospital located outside of the mainland US (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) or Canada, participation is welcome, but you will be responsible for shipping costs.

Lafeber Diet Conversion Program

How many people work at the facility?(Required)
Does your clinic/hospital currently sell Lafeber products?(Required)
Program participation requires that you provide a dedicated point of contact, participate in a quarterly feedback survey and provide Lafeber with two conversion related videos a year. Do you agree to these terms?(Required)