Subcutaneous Fluids in Birds

The subcutaneous route is the most common method of fluid administration in the avian patient. Subcutaneous fluids are an excellent way to provide maintenance fluids or to correct mild dehydration in birds. This video clip and article with still images describe the equipment needed and the technique involved in this supportive care procedure.

Fluids are most commonly given in the inguinal space (crural patagium). With the bird secured by an assistant, have them extend one of the bird’s legs out and to one side. Wet down the area on the inner thigh to see the skin better at a . . .

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Ford S. Handbook for Wildbird Rescue. Sitka, Alaska: The Alaska Raptor Center; 2003.

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Pollock C. Subcutaneous fluids in birds. December 9, 2010. LafeberVet Web site. Available at